Thursday, August 5, 2010

another day another.... pickle!

yes, this is my second day at the world of blogs and such.... huzzah! and this is my 3rd post.... mmm hm.

okay, so first, don't forget to check out:

you might have already seen it, but a newer version is up that i wrote last night. and i decided to call it JARS, you know, like JAWS kinda? i think it's good.

alright, next:

i made a t-shirt!! yay!

got flying pickles?

ha ha ha..!


here's the url's/links:

for the "i am a flying pickle fan":

for the "got flying pickles?":

for the "flying pickles... awesome? you decide.":

so ya... 

tata for now!

p.s. don't forget to vote on the flying pickle poll, and also vote on the two new poll's I put up last night. :)